Monday, April 14, 2008

Plattsburgh Pipeline Radio

"Plattsburgh Pipeline Radio has been created to offer a new outlet for music lovers. PPR is interested mostly in our local talent here in Plattsburgh and hope to provide our listeners with just that. Although it sounds wonderful to play only local talent, PPR will also be providing our listeners with other music by bands/solo artists who send in their works to Plattsburgh Pipeline Radio.
Plattsburgh Pipeline was created with the intent to be a community based website, for it to work community needs to involved and bands are a part of our community. If you are in a band or if you know a band that would like to participate in this project contact for more information.
Plattsburgh Pipeline Radio would like to thank all of our listeners for your enormous support in this project. PPR would also like to thank all bands, solo artists, and local talent who provided us with music to broadcast and finally we would like to thank KBS Computer in Plattsburgh for hosting this radio station."

Click Here For Their Web Site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Plattsburgh Pipeline? Awesome! I was just browsing the web, stumbled upon your site. Local sustainability is a wonderful idea. Browsing your site I found The radio is awesome, all my favorite local bands are played on the internet radio thing. It's awesome. Elephantbear, Lucid, Hello Control, Slow Natives, Shameless Strangers. It's unreal this is happening in Plattsburgh, New York of all places! I'm so excited.