Monday, April 14, 2008

Cordwood and the Code: A Building Permit Guide ... edited by Alan Stankevitz, Richard Flatau, Rob Roy and Dr. Kris Dick.

Here is the long-awaited documentation for presenting a cordwood masonry project to your local building inspector. The kinds of questions that code enforcement officer's most frequently ask are answered here, in a professional manner.

Topics include thermal monitoring (R-values) of a cordwood wall by Dr. Kris Dick, fire resistance of a cordwood wall, certified compression tests of cordwood mortar, cordwood in a seismic 3 zone, REScheck (energy) analysis, and an excellent paper by Richard Flatau called Conversations with a Wisconsin Code Official. In fact, Wisconsin's top code official has called this the best document of its kind that he has seen produced for any alternative building system. The 17-page Appendix includes a copy of Alan Stankevitz's own successful building permit application. You can use the CD supplied with each book to download that application to your computer, and make changes for your own application. This is the definitive document to leave with your local building inspector at the time of permit application."
Buy New At OR At Corner-Stone Bookstore Plattsburgh-Downtown

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